Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Pictures...Kind of recent

Zion just being silly....this was his idea, and he got frustrated because everytime he breathed out from his nose, it fell off, so we taped it on.

This was the kids this last Halloween (I know, I know, I said kind of recent). We took them trick or treating only to some of our new neighbors in our new neighborhood since we had just closed on our house that day.

Ahhhh, how sweet, if only it lasted every hour of every day. :->

Jessica's side of the family, all together for Christmas of 2005. From top to bottom, left to right. Drew, Jamison, Emily, Aaron, Nicole (4 months pregnant with Lilly), Ethan, Jessica, Alan, Poppa (David's Dad), Grammy (David's Mom), David, Karla, Peyton, Alex (Nicole and Aaron's son), and Zion.

Our new home...well at least most of it, the other side is in the other picture.

The "ham" strikes again, well this time I think that it is bologna (now don't tell me you didn't sing it as you read it). Always the comedian of the family.

What a smile, Zion truly never stops smiling. Ever.

This and the picture above were taken on his 2nd b-day, Feb 11, 2006.

Zion's new car, his birthday gift from the whole family (seriously, everyone had to chip in to get this one).

The boys, trying on their new Easter suits that their Granny (Alan's Mom) bought them. They looked even better on Easter Sunday. Little stud muffins, all three of the kido's.

The boys with their Granny.


Charissa said...

Yeah! Thanks for putting up pictures - I love seeing your guys and what they are up to! What a riot :0)

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow~How time flies. I cant believe Aaron has a family and kids of his own, and Your sister is looks so much like you. She is so beautiful. YOU have a great family.

Jessica said...

Thank you Jennifer!

Ashleigh said...

Fun pictures!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica!!! Judy Lyman here--- How's it going?!?!?!? I found your blog through Charissa's. I love the photos! I can't believe how old the kiddos are. Ruth just turned two, Noah is 9 & Nicholas is 6. Time sure does fly.

I'm glad you're blogging. I'm not yet. Does anyone really want to hear me write about diapers, laundry, & fixing dinner? :) Maybe I'll start. Keep up the blog, I love it. Love the house too, by the way!!!! :) Very nice!!! Oh & the little Caddy. That is too cute!! Take care! Judy

Jessica said...

Hi Judy!!! Thanks!!! It is so great to hear from you. I can't believe that Ruth is 2! Man, you aren't kidding, time does go by fast. I would read your blog. :-> Get me e-mail address from Charissa, I would love to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Well, email me anytime... I squeeze in some computer time in between loads of laundry, Ruth's dirty diapers & picking the kids up from school, which I do at 11:45 & 2:45. I swear, I get up, take them to school, shower, start laundry, email, pick up Nicholas, go home, more laundry, lunch, pick up Noah, come home, homework, dinner, bed, then do it all over again the next day!!!!! WHEW. I am SO looking forward to summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know the laundry will still be there, but no picking up kids & no checking homework!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! Email me, I'm interested in your business. judy_lyman@hotmail.com

Bethany said...

Cute pics of your kids!!! They are getting so big. ANd nice house too.