Tuesday, February 03, 2009

P and Z's Big Day!!!

Peyton turned 6 on January 11th, and Zion turns 5 on February 11th. So, instead of two separate birthday parties this year, we decided to combine them. This past Saturday the 31st we had their party at the Cinema Cafe movie theatre. They invited all their classmates, kids on their basketball team (that Alan coaches) and of course family and friends. S0, 50 people later, and a packed movie theatre we all gathered to watch Madagascar 2 and celebrate their big days. Now, here is the bad news. I FORGOT MY CAMERA! So, as soon as Grandpa (my Dad) emails me pics, I will get them posted.

The day was great! Everyone had a great time. We asked that people not bring gifts for the boys, but that they bring a toy for the Hope Haven Children's Home. Peyton and Zion are so excited to be able to help deliver them. I am so proud of my boys. They are very blessed to have so much, and I am so grateful that they "get" that there are others out there that don't have much at all.

Parenting is harder than I could have ever have imagined, and I respect my parent's now more than ever. The one thing that I want my boys to be along with being Godly men, is unselfish. I want them to think of others before they think of themselves. Now that's not easy to teach at all, I guess that little sin nature doesn't help. I think they are off to a good start. When they get older and they can read these blogs that I have written, I want them to know how proud I am of them for sacrificing their birthday gifts for others.


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for inviting us- we had a great time! :) See ya this weekend, Court.

Sarah said...

What a wonderful idea to pass on their gifts! Sounds like they are lovely boys... They're growing up so quickly!