Friday, August 27, 2010

Debating and Finally Deciding

So many of my dear friends have been asking me "what the heck is going on with you" and "why do I never hear from you." Yah, I get those comments quite a bit. So, I decided that it may be tine to TRY to update my blog a little more often.

For those of you that don't know, or have heard, but had questions. My divorce with Alan was final in August of 2009. I don't want to go in to all the details behind the divorce, but lets just say that it was Biblical and necessary. My life has changed quite a bit since then.

Drew, who is now 14, was my step-son, though he was "my son" and I never even thought about the "step" part of it all. Well, needless to say, I don't have Drew all the time anymore. Me and the boys still see him about every other weekend or so, but it's not, nor will it ever be, like it was. That's by far the saddest part of my divorce with Alan, losing Drew. The good news? Drew is still the amazing boy that you all remember. Such a great, sweet kid and getting ready to start his freshman year of high school. :)

I moved into my own little rental house in January of this year, I was able to stay in the house that Alan and I had due to him working overseas. Also in January I started a pre-law program at Regent University. Loving it!!! Hard work needless to say, but I am enjoying what I am studying and learning. I am on scholarship through Regent, and then the Pell grant and VTAG grant pay the rest of my tuition. Praise the Lord!!! I couldn't do it without that.

Peyton and Zion are doing so well. They are 7 and a half and 6 and a half. They are both playing tackle football now (I'll post some pictures soon) and doing very well. Peyton is starting 2nd grade and Zion is starting 1st grade. I know we all say and hear it often, but they are really growing up waaaayyyy too fast.

I work part-time for an attorney in Greenbrier. I work only while the boys are in school (or during the summer, the half day summer camp at the YMCA). I am so thankful that I am able to be home with them and not have to put them in daycare. All my classes right now are online, so I get my work done typically after they go to bed or on the weekends.

There is so much more to update everyone on, the biggest being Matthew Stoltz, but I will try to get to everything over the next few days. I did fall of the radar for a while. Though I am not guilty for my divorce, and I know that I did everything I could do and was supposed to do, I was embarrassed for a while and not sure how to deal with telling people (and there were sooooo many people to tell). Since we kept our separation quiet, this info came as quite a shock to people.

I kept the name of my blog, because I still feel it's appropriate to my life. :) I will be deleting some of the posts that don't have to do with just my kidos. So, I guess you could say I am somewhat starting from scratch.

Well, it's Friday, the weekend is almost here. So enjoy it!!!! :)


Judy said...

Thanks for the update!

I think about updating my blog from time to time... I THINK about it. :)

Jessica said...

Lol, well maybe if enough people bug you, you finally will. I'll start...Judy, you should really update your blog, I would love to be udated on how you and your family are doing. :)