Shortly after my divorce was final, God brought the most amazing man into my life, Matthew Stoltz. I was very reluctant at first to even go out to dinner with him (which he was so patient about), then let alone enter into a *gulp* relationship with him (yet again patient Matt), but I am sooooo thankful that I came to my senses and did so.
We got engaged last weekend, and we are planning a wedding for October 10, 2010. Yes, that quickly! And, no, I am not pregnant (you will find that I am brutally honest, especially in my blog). That has been somewhat of an implied question by some people. My brother and sister in law are getting transferred (military) and 2 of Matt's groomsman are leaving on deployments, and we want them to be there. SO, October 10th it is!!!!
The past year that I have had with Matt has been amazing to say the least. He is the most encouraging, patient, loving, kind and sweet man in the world. He takes such wonderful care of me, Drew, Peyton and Zion. And yes, even though none of the three boys are his, and one isn't even mine biological, that doesn't matter to him, never has. I warned him up front, when he first asked me out, that I had kids, and he didn't run! That was my first sign that I needed to get to know this man a little better.
Matt is in the military. One of the fine individuals who have chosen to spend their life serving our country. His enlisted in the Navy, but as a recon corpsman he spends most of his time on the Marine Corp side. He is very good at what he does and has so many things that he can do in the military to further his goal of eventually being on the Hostage and Rescue Team with the FBI. He is the baby of three children, he has 2 big sisters, Nikki and Amanda. He has three nephews, Logan, Rayden and Cade. He was born in raised in NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana). His Mom and Dad are amazing! So, once we get hitched, his parents will have 5 grandsons!!!! That's a lot of boys. Maybe, just maybe, we will have a little girl down the road. Or, it will just be another son and I will have even more boys in my household. :)
All the boys love him and dote over him, as do I. It takes an amazing man to love and want to be with a woman that has 2 and a half kids. But that's my Matt, amazing.
GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Congratulations! :)
Congratulations Jessica - this is great news for you and the boys and really lovely to hear. So pleased for you that you have found such happiness.
I hope you have an amazing day in October - will be thinking of you...
Take care and love to all your family xx
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